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Mainly Vegan - Born Again Vegan

Born Again Vegan

Okay, I’ll admit that I was one of “those” vegans when I first made the decision to forego animal products. No, I didn’t throw animal parts onto dining tables or plates for shock value. Instead, I gave out extra copies…

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Mainly Vegan - Vegan Hatfields and Carnivore McCoys

Vegan Hatfields and Carnivore McCoys Debate

This article offers some suggestions to consider during a vegan debate in order to avoid an all-out war from launching and escalating the situation into the Vegan Hatfields and the Carnivore McCoys… It’s inevitable. At some point along your vegan…

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What About Vegan? (Taking Baby Steps)

So you're thinking about -- or are ready to explore and begin -- a vegan diet and lifestyle. This article outlines some of the aspects to consider -- and things to expect -- before and during this new journey. The…

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