This shopping list contains any recipes you either added by clicking the “Add to Shopping List” icon on the recipe page(s), or by inserting recipes manually on this page. Any recipe collections (or menus) you save here will appear out on the Menus page; you can access them again there to edit, print or generate a shopping list for them.
To create and save a collection of recipes / menu:
- Assign your new collection or menu a unique name (enter a name in the grey field, which defaults to the current date and your name).
- Select whether to sort recipes alphabetically (default), by course (e.g., Appetizers, Salads) or by cuisine (e.g., Asian, Italian).
- Enter the default number of servings (so every recipe will automatically change to that same number of servings before you add it to the menu). Note: You can also always alter number of servings for recipes after they’ve been added to the menu.
- Search for and select each recipe for your recipe collection / menu. As recipes are added, a shopping list is automatically generated and updated.
- Re-order the recipes if desired.
- Click Save Menu to save the menu.
- Click Print Shopping List to print the shopping list. Note: Click the box next to an ingredient to cross it out on the list.
- Click Print Menu to print the shopping list and the recipes in the menu.
If you’d like to include other ingredients / items in addition to recipes — and also view nutrition totals for everything — you can use your meal planner to build a menu / meal plan for a particular event or day instead.